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Sources and corpus published online on the Chastel Centre’s website

In September 2011 was first posted online the Corpus of 17th century Parisian hotels, established by Nicolas Courtin.

The book The Art of dwelling in Paris in the 17th century. Furnishing of the ‘hotels particuliers’, from Nicolas Courtin, published by the éditions Faton in September 2011, is based on the analysis of 55 post-mortem catalogues between 1610 and 1716 in 24 hotels.

The catalogues themselves are not part of the book but are published online on this website, with both a presentation of each hotel and the online publication of the catalogues in extenso – with the author’s transcription into modern language (spelling and punctuation)-and the reproduction of the original acts kept at the National Archives.

One will find in footnotes some additional information, especially regarding the tapestries and paintings which have been identified; a link towards a reproduction is available in this case.

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