- Writings on art : Collections Deloynes from the prints and photography department of the BnF (National Library of France – transcriptions of the 63 volumes of reviews assembled by Deloynes) and Landon Collection (Annales of the Museum).
Online publication expected on the André Chastel Centre website, for Deloyne’s first ten volumes.
Co-directed by Thierry Laugée (with the BnF), Marianne Grivel and Barthélémy Jobert, in collaboration with Paris IV Master 1 students.
- Corpus of southern enamels. Database of the works ‘Southern enamels’ and bibliography ‘silverware, enamelling’.
Created by Marie-Madeleine Gauthier. Directed by Geneviève François from 1998 to 2012.
The database of the works ‘Southern enamels’ is in the process of being published online in the ‘Agorha’ database of the INHA.
The database Bibliography of the corpus of southern enamels is online since the 25th May 2012 on the website INHA-AGORHA (Global and Organized Access to Ressources of History of Art). Authors : Geneviève François and Frédéric Tixier.
It contains international bibliographical references from the 18th century onward, general and specialized books regarding the area of precious arts in medieval Europe, Champlevé enameling, in particular that in provenance of Limoges; collections catalogues, museums, exhibitions, sales; geographic and topographical inventories referring to the enamels listed in Corpus of southern enamels database.
From 2012 a new team is in charge of the Corpus: Isabelle Marchesin (INHA), Alain-Charles Dionnet (Ville de Limoges) et Élisabeth Antoine-König (Louvre Museum).
- Annotated catalogue of the work of Maurice Denis, in the context of the website Catalogue of the work of Maurice Denis, dir. Claire Denis, in collaboration with Fabienne Stahl for the stained glass.
Regarding Stained glass and Maurice Denis: participation of Véronique David.
- Parisian artists of the end of the middle ages (14th-16th century). A corpus comprising 1400 biographical notices of artists who appear in the central index of Paris notaries before 1515; these notices are associated on one hand to analysis of acts of that collection covering the period 1483-1515, and on the other hand to other documentary or bibliographical sources identified for these artists.
To view Étienne Hamon's book Documents from the Parisian notaries' central register. Art and architecture before 1515, online on the Archives Nationales server (to access: 1) « Accéder à la Salle des inventaires virtuelle pour commencer votre recherche » / 2) Guides thématiques : « Notaires de Paris » / 3) on the left: Notaires de Paris: Art et artisanat - « Art et architecture avant 1515 »).
Author : Étienne Hamon.
- Artists and networks (16th-18th century) : transcription and inventory of the Laborde catalogue from the manuscripts department of the National Library of France. Composed of 66 080 certificates, copies of Parisian public registers (16th-18th century) destroyed by the fire set to the Hôtel de Ville in 1871.
- Direction : Mickäel Szanto and Alain Mérot, in collaboration with the National Library of France (Matthieu Bonicel) and Frédéric Glorieux.
Update December 2017, March 2019