Particular care is taken to broaden the work's impact, both upstream by closely involving PhD candidates, and downstream by diversifying the methods of dissemination to meet a larger audience.
Besides national and international lectures, study days and seminars, Centre André-Chastel organizes monthly meetings open to all: lectures, round tables and presentations of books thus make important works of recent members, PhD candidates and correspondents of the laboratory accessible to the public. Since 2017, there have been series of internal research workshops (Regards Croisés) around a personality whose scientific work resonates with that of the Centre.
The Centre also contributes to the Revue de l’Art.
Valorisation of research
Promotion of research results relies on a multiplicity of activities, including support for publications, expertise activities - in particular exhibitions -, lectures, participation in TV or radio broadcasts, production of databases...
Participation in exhibitions
Exhibitions showing works related to our expertise domains directly involve members of the laboratory, as curators (main or deputy), editors of part of the catalog, members of scientific councils, in France (Azay-le-Rideau, Biot, Boulogne-Billancourt, Caen, La Roche-sur-Yon, Montpellier, Paris (Archives nationales; BnF; Centre Georges Pompidou; Conciergerie; Grand Palais; Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine; musée Jacquemart-André; Pavillon de l'Arsenal; Eiffel Tower; Frank Elbaz Gallery), Saint-Germain-en-Laye; Strasbourg (musée de l’Œuvre-Notre-Dame; musée d’Art moderne et contemporain) as abroad (Germany: Naumburg; Rolandseck; Winterthur; Canada: National Museum of Fine Arts, Québec; China: Shanghai Universal Exhibition; Spain: Madrid, Fundacíon Mapfre; Tenerife, Oscar Dominguez Museum; Switzerland: Lugano; Japan: Matsue; Yokohama).
Expertise and consultation
Scientific achievements also allow members of the Centre André-Chastel to put their expertise at the service of public authorities and heritage professionals:
- Commission nationale des Monuments historiques
- Commission du Vieux-Paris
- Public sales, acquisition projects by Artistic Council, museums or Directorate General of Heritage (Louvre, Fontainebleau, Compiègne, Versailles, Mobilier national, Malmaison, Pau; regional museums: Caen, Brou, Lyon, Conches)
- Expertise before restoration or lighting (graphic arts, stained glass, gardens, landscapes) for communities, Directions régionales des Affaires culturelles (DRAC) and agencies
- Expertise prior to scientific analysis in the laboratory (AGLAE, LRMH)
- Expertise previous to creation of a new institution (musée du Vitrail Stained in Curzay-sur-Vonne)
- Scientific committees of public or private projects (restoration of the cathedrals of Auxerre, Le Mans, Strasbourg, the Hôtel Lambert in Paris, the nymphaeum of Gerbéviller).
Expert assessments also concern evaluation bodies (AERES, ANR); foreign organisations (FNRS Switzerland; DAAD Germany, FNS Belgium); recruitment competition juries (École nationale du paysage, Institut national du patrimoine, Ministry of Tourism, etc.).
General public lectures
Actions to disseminate scientific culture include organisation or participation at cycles of conferences in many institutions: Auditorium of the Louvre, Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine, Architecture Councils, Urban Planning and Environment (CAUE), associations, local authorities, etc.
Actions in media
Members of the laboratory are regularly contacted by the media, both in general and thematic channels (press, radio, television, Internet), in relation to current research or events in which they have participated.