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Rencontres du Centre André-Chastel

Honoré Daumier, Croquis pris au Salon, 16 juin 1865, Lithographie, 22.8 x 20.3 cm, New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Inv. 56.638.1



Since 2012, Centre André-Chastel has been offering a cycle of conferences in various fields of medieval, modern and contemporary Art history. These monthly meetings intend to make recent works of members - researchers, teacher-researchers and PhD candidates - as well as correspondents of Centre André-Chastel, known to the public.

They are nowadays coordinated by Claire Boisseau (CNRS), Anne Lepoittevin (Sorbonne Université) and Dalila Meenen (Sorbonne Université).

These take over from the founding team, Jérémie Koering (CNRS) and Emmanuel Lurin (Sorbonne Université) (2012-2015), followed by a second team, Sabine Berger (Sorbonne Université ) and Stéphane Castelluccio (CNRS), from 2015- 2018. 2018 to 2020, meetings were organized by Karine Boulanger (CNRS), Catherine Gros (Ministry of Culture) and Thierry Laugée (Sorbonne Université); 2020 to 2021 by Karine Boulanger (CNRS) and Felicity Bodenstein (Sorbonne Université); 2023 to June 2024 by Olga Medvedkova (CNRS), Felicity Bodenstein and Anne Lepoittevin (Sorbonne Université)..

Communication was ensured by Catherine Prioul (CNRS) until 2018, replaced by Grégoire Aslanoff (CNRS) and Delphine Thierry-Mieg (CNRS).

Meetings can take many forms:

  • Lecture given by a member (active, corresponding or honorary) of the Centre
  • Round table on event; publication of a book or an exhibition
  • Dialogue with a guest (artist, researcher, curator, etc.) – provided that the interview is based on joint work or makes it possible to promote the research of member(s) of the involved Center.
The target audience are students, scientific community and all listeners frequent to the Galerie Colbert, 2 rue Vivienne, 75002 Paris - Meetings take place at Centre André-Chastel, Wednesdays from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Free admission, limited seating available