Several databases and indexes are available on request, by getting in touch with André Chastel Centre (Karine [dot] Boulangerparis-sorbonne [dot] fr (K. Boulanger) for collection ‘Lambert’) or delphine [dot] thierry-mieg
cnrs [dot] fr (D.Thierry-Mieg).
Catalogue and making of the database : Karine Boulanger.
Author : Benoît Dufournier.
Collection of slides representing the urban and architectural heritage, ordered by the DAPA in 1987. Making and updating of the database based on the collection: Geneviève-Marie Marion, in collaboration with Camille Ridel-Brouillard.
Personal photographic collection of Prof. Anne Prache.
Filing and processing of the documents into a database : Geneviève-Marie Marion.
Update : January 2020