All theses
Words and Uses of Colour in Trecento Florentine Painting
This thesis investigates the uses and functions of colour in Florentine panel painting of the Trecento. As the first study on this topic, it moves beyond a mere analysis of hues, using a multidisciplinary approach that in-corporates lexicography, material studies, and visual analysis. To determine the role of colour within Floren-tine society, the first section undertakes a comprehensive examination of colour vocabulary in 14th-century Italian languages, revealing both the significance of red within Florentine culture and the neutrality of colour terms regardless of context.
The museum and the exhibition put to the test by the human sciences. Study of the intersections between art, ethnology and anthropology from Georges Henri Rivière and Jean Gabus to Harald Szeemann
This thesis seeks to highlight the exchanges between art, ethnology and anthropology in the context of the exhibition, from the 1930s to the 1970s. It is based on the study of three major figures: Georges Henri Rivière, curator at the Musée d’Ethnographie in Paris, his counterpart Jean Gabus in Neuchâtel, and the Bernese exhibition curator Harald Szeemann. The challenges of this study are multiple.
Critical analysis of attribution reasoning in art history: the case of Raphael
Attribution in art history meets various criteria, which can be studied with regard to the history of the art market but also the history of taste. Raphael, whose art has been the subject of numerous attributions or disattributions, is in this respect a textbook case. The study of six drawings and paintings corresponding to the three periods of Raphael's career made it possible to identify characteristics relating to attribution reasoning not only for the painter studied but also for modern painting in general.
Les grandes transformations de l’architecture et de l’urbanisme en URSS 1953 -1965. Renouvellement de la théorie et de la pratique dans l’architecture et l’urbanisme
The study of urban and architectural transformations in the vast territory of the Soviet Union after the death of Joseph Stalin in March 1953 has so far been the subject of only fragmentary studies. This work attempts to fill this historiographical gap by approaching architecture, urban planning, and territorial development as inseparable domains, intersecting with the history of ideas and techniques.
Chasse, pêche, élevage et alimentation : Archéozoologie des marges orientales du Saint-Empire germanique et orientales du royaume de France (XIIe-XVIe)
Cette thèse se fonde sur l’analyse des restes osseux animaux issus des fouilles de sites castraux et urbains de l’Alsace entre le XIe et le XVIe siècle. Les résultats obtenus permettent d’observer les grandes lignes de l’alimentation carnée des élites sociales, qu’il s’agisse de la noblesse vivant dans les sites castraux, ou de la riche bourgeoisie habitant en ville.
Henri Ciriani dans le champ de l’Histoire d’une morale architecturale à l’esthétique du quotidien
Henri Édouard Ciriani, né à Lima le 30 décembre 1936, a construit sa carrière dans l’autonomie de son travail d’architecte et d’enseignant, dans sa pédagogie autant que dans son œuvre bâti. Il s’est libéré de la pensée fonctionnaliste et moderniste, en ouvrant l’architecture aux enjeux socio-politiques et en inscrivant l’émotion au cœur d’un programme professionnel internationalement célébré.