Romain Ravignot, doctorant au Centre André-Chastel interviendra lors de ce colloque
The study of the circular enclosures of Central Europe as a milestone in the establishment of the lunisolar calendar
Research aimed at establishing the milestones of a history of astronomy during Protohistory, and more particularly the establishment of a lunisolar calendar, focuses on the transition period between the end of the Neolithic and the beginning of the Bronze Age. Thus, paleogenetic research carried out by the Max Planck Institute shows a mixing of populations related to two distinct cultures in Central Europe during this period. During the Neolithic, two cultures, the Stichbandkeramik Kultur (STB K) and the Lengyel Culture shared the construction of circular enclosures for ritual purposes. However, these enclosures seem to focus on different astronomical events; solar for STB K and lunar for the Lengyel culture. At the end of the interbreeding phase highlighted by researchers, the Bronze Age enclosures (like Pommëlte) are oriented towards lunisolar events. Is it then legitimate to see in this phase of genetic crossbreeding, a synthesis of the astronomical knowledge brought together by these two cultures?
Pour en savoir plus http://satrae.swu.bg/symposiums/fourth-international-symposium.aspx?lan…